
Sponsorship Opportunities

TAICEP is the leading organization that serves the unique needs of international credential evaluators. As the work of international credential evaluators grows and becomes more complex, your sponsorship will help promote, educate and sustain the Association. Sponsorship supports activities to build the association, develop standards for the profession, and develop resources for international credential evaluation professionals. 

TAICEP Sponsorship Benefits
  <$1,000 >=$1000 to <$5,000 >=$5,000 to <$12,000 >=12,000 
TAICEP.org Website Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conference Website Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conference Plenary Table Tents Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conference Plenary Slide Loop Inclusion Yes Yes Yes Yes
TAICEP 12-Month Membership     1 2
Conference Exhibit Fee Waiver at Next Upcoming Conference (excludes exhibitor add-ons such as electricity)     1 1
Conference Registration Fee Waiver for Next Upcoming Conference      1 2
In addition to the above, sponsors for the following receive:  
Conference Plenary Speaker Sponsors 2-minute non-commercial introduction of plenary speaker
Conference Welcome Reception Sponsors 3-minute non-commercial welcome message during reception
Conference Presenter’s Reception Sponsors 3-minute non-commercial welcome message during reception

TAICEP offers the following opportunities to support our organization. After you click on the payment method, you will see a drop-down list of donation amount options. TAICEP also has sponsorship opportunities specific to our annual conferences, and those opportunities may be found on the conference website each year. For conference sponsorship opportunities, please visit Conferences.

General Sponsorship 

Funds donated to the General Sponsorship fund will go where it is most needed in the organization.

Pay Online or Pay by Check

Professional Development Sponsorship

The Professional Development fund is used to support the:

  • Certificate Program. TAICEP’s certificate program is one of the most exciting and necessary things to happen in the field of international education credential evaluation. This fund will, in part, ensure that this program develops and expands.
  • Research Program. One of TAICEP’s primary goals is to, “Conduct research and disseminate information that supports the profession.”  The Professional Development fund will, in part, help TAICEP keep the profession up-to-date with research projects. 
  • Travel/Opportunity Grants. TAICEP attracts many new members to the field who could greatly benefit from a bit of help with travel grants, conference attendance, and other professional development opportunities. In addition, opportunities come up for seasoned professionals who may not be able to secure funding for more advanced opportunities. The Professional Development fund will be used, in part, to help develop our members learning and advancing in our field.

Pay Online or Pay by Check

Information Structure Sponsorship

TAICEP’s medium- to long-term future needs to be addressed, and this fund will ensure that TAICEP will be able to respond to and plan for the organization’s needs and ensure that credential evaluators worldwide are well served. We have a particular need to raise $25,000 to replace our website, hosting services, and membership systems.  

Pay Online or Pay by Check

Designated and In Memoriam Sponsorships

This option may be used by members or funding entities who wish to fund a particular project approved by TAICEP’s Board of Directors and not covered in other sponsorship categories.  It may also be used for In Memoriam sponsorships.   If you wish to contribute for a designated purpose, please get in touch with TAICEP’s executive director, Robert Prather, at answers@taicep.org, with the details of your wishes.  

Pay Online or Pay by Check

Please note:

  • TAICEP reserves the right to accept or reject a sponsor’s contribution.
  • Acceptance of a sponsor’s contribution does not express or imply TAICEP’s endorsement of the sponsor or the sponsor’s organization.
  • TAICEP is exempt from U.S. federal income tax under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3). US sponsors might be able to deduct contributions made to TAICEP under IRC Section 170.