
Session Presentations

2019 One Student, Three Results Understanding and Evaluating Chinese Secondary Credentials

2019 An Interactive Discussion of Controversial Evaluation Topics

2019 An Introduction to Physiotherapy Education Around the World

2019 An Update on Education in Sudan

2019 Beyond Traditional Advanced Placement AP Research, AP Capstone, and the AP Diplomas

2019 Challenges and Opportunities for Mid-Level Managers

2019 CIS Intl Accreditation, Global Reach and National Recognition

2019 Credential Assessor Competencies

2019 Credential Evaluations for US Immigration

2019 Cross Cultural Communication Skills for Credential Evaluators

2019 Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR)

2019 Dealing with Malpractice and Certification Issues, An Awarding Organisation Perspective

2019 Developing Canadian Higher Education Capacity for Intl Credential Transfer Assessment

2019 Diploma to Degree, A Global Progression Pathway Made in Scotland

2019 Down the Rabbit Hole Research Credentials in the Internet Age

2019 Evaluating International Professional Degrees

2019 Evaluating Post-secondary Vocational Education and Qualifications, Challenges in Sweden and Norway

2019 Evaluation of Qualifications from Disputed Territories and Unrecognized States

2019 Intl Summer Programs in East Asia, To Transfer or not Transfer Credit

2019 Looking to the Future The Communal Credential Archive Project

2019 No One Told Me 2+2 Doesn’t Always = 4

2019 Non-University Credentials in the British Education System

2019 Say Hello to Vietnam’s Educational System and Its Credentials

2019 Spinning the Web of Recognition and QA

2019 The Quandries of Evaluating TNE Programs & Credentials

2019 The Unspoken Challenges of Reviewing Secondary Credentials from Around the World

2019 The Value of CSEC and CAPE to Candidates

2019 The Wild West of Alternate Credentials

2019 Towards Global Recognition of Forced Migrants’ Qualifications

2019 Two Cycle Medical Education in the EHEA