
Why Join TAICEP?

TAICEP has created a community from around the world of international credential evaluation professionals (ICEPs) and those who support their endeavors. Our members freely exchange ideas and resources for the betterment of their profession and for recognition among peers of their important position in furthering international education and knowledge exchange, confident that other members subscribe to this same thought platform. TAICEP members receive exclusive member benefits, including:

Professional Development and Networking Opportunities

TAICEP email group (“Gaggle”): We evaluate credentials daily and have frequent questions about these credentials and credential evaluation policies and procedures. Conversing with others in your organization for problem-solving isn’t always easy (or impossible). However, as a member, you will have access to hundreds of professionals worldwide by becoming part of our email group. Here is just a tiny sample of the hundreds of questions that have been asked and answered by TAICEP members:

  •  “Hello! How do I verify documents from China?”
  • “I am in the process of evaluating a refugee student from Afghanistan and having a difficult time identifying the school and its accreditation. Attached is a transcript listed as Dar-ul-Muallimin Private of Abu Musa in Kabul City.”

Certificate program: The following certificates are offered. TAICEP members access them at discounted prices.

  • Foundation Certificate in International Credential Evaluation

  • Secondary School Certificate

  • Bologna Process Certificate

  • Research Certificate

TAICEP webinar library: TAICEP is developing an extensive collection of past webinar and conference video recordings that will be featured throughout the Wiki. Here are a few examples of the recording titles available to members at no additional cost.

  •  2021 Virtual Conference: Credential Evaluation in a Complex World
  • 2022 Glasgow, Scotland Conference: An Update on Central America

  • 2023 Redondo Beach, California Conference: Francophone West Africa Tips & Tricks

Member Directory: Are you looking for a credential expert for a specific region? Our members are from around the world and willing to provide their expertise when you are reaching out.

Annual Conference

TAICEP Conferences: If you have not experienced a TAICEP conference, you are missing out on a significant opportunity for networking, learning, and professional development. There are dozens of sessions and workshops solely focused on credential evaluation. You are in a tight-knit community that particularly understands your needs. The wealth of information and human resources you encounter is impressive! TAICEP members receive a significant conference registration fee discount. 

International Credential Tools and Resources

TAICEP Wiki: Our Wiki is a crowd-sourced information resource. Within the Wiki, we have information particular to countries, transnational education, credential assessment, newsletters, language assessment, databases, resources, education and training, and more! Ensure you utilize this helpful tool, and know we add new information often.

Digital Document Provider Database: This database is an online tool specifically for credential evaluators to assist in student educational record verification and document issuer information. It is a web-enabled, self-service, one-stop source of trusted document and verification providers worldwide. Specifically, this “map” of providers includes information about accessible content by country, institution, and provider; source website URLs, how data is accessed; who permits to share information; what language the information is in; and whether the source is trusted. 

Institutions, Grading Scales & Credential Database: TAICEP hosts this dynamic document database archive so you can review institution information (including verification sources), grading scales, and sample document resources for those institutions. Any of our members can update this database.

Global Directory of Qualifications Frameworks Database: Check out our qualifications framework (QF) database! QFs are systematic ladders of qualifications in a country’s or territory’s education system. A qualifications framework (QF) assists evaluators in understanding where a specific qualification is placed in the country’s/territory’s educational system, such as the level of the qualification or access granted to further education or employment. QFs also help explain how the qualifications included relate to one another. 

And More!

Discounts offered by other organizations to TAICEP members: Get great deals on ECE Connection Advantage and AACRAO EDGE!

Volunteer opportunities for our Board and standing committees. We need you!

Click here to become a TAICEP member today!

Small Print: By becoming a member, an individual subscribes to the critical constructs of TAICEP’s vision, mission, values, and goals and the TAICEP Membership Criteria and Statement of Ethics for a Credential Evaluation Professional.