
Certificate Program – October 2024 TAICEP Talk Newsletter


Written by Susan Whipple, The Evaluation Company (formerly SpanTran)

I pursued the TAICEP Foundation Certificate and the TAICEP Secondary School Certificate to learn where I might have deficiencies in my knowledge as well as to demonstrate my knowledge and skills as an evaluator. Having worked in international admissions for two decades, I had a fair amount of knowledge, but I have only been a full-time credential evaluator for two years and never formally tested myself on that knowledge.

The TAICEP Foundation Certificate exposed me to topics relevant to the profession, such as how laws related to language of instruction impact recognition, how fraud grows more sophisticated each day, electronic verification systems, how other evaluators and evaluation organizations reach conclusions, and how to better explain evaluation decisions to clients and colleagues. While I was nervous about the case evaluations, I knew that I had a lot of resources to turn to if needed. The Foundation Certificate was a great exercise in helping me think and communicate as an evaluator.

The Secondary School Certificate was a shorter program, but it also solidified my knowledge, provided background information for systems I was less familiar with, and culminated in a short exam that demonstrated my knowledge. The certificate format reinforced prior learning, enhanced my knowledge of the credential evaluation profession, and documented my skills. I now have the certificates to demonstrate my knowledge to my employer, clients, and colleagues. The format of the TAICEP Certificates allowed me to work at my own pace while also having a deadline to keep me on track.

I am currently working on the Research Certificate. This certificate offers me the opportunity to perform research on a topic of interest to me but will also (hopefully) benefit the TAICEP community. The Research Certificate requires me to further my knowledge of educational systems, resources, and methodology. This process will make me a better researcher and provide additional resources to the TAICEP community. I encourage other TAICEP members to consider earning certificates as well.

More information: Certificate Program

Full Edition:

October TAICEP Talk Newsletter


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