
Certificate Program

TAICEP’s Certificate Program is designed to test and showcase your knowledge and skills. The program is not meant as a training tool – it is used to demonstrate the prior learning you have gained through training and educational content offered by TAICEP and other organizations.

CURRENT CERTIFICATES (click on each for more information)

Foundation Certificate in International Credential Evaluation

What you’ll showcase: Foundational knowledge of best practices in credential evaluation and assessment

What is involved: Professional development, an online assessment, and a practical credential evaluation assessment (capstone)

Secondary School Certificate

What you’ll showcase: A detailed understanding of secondary educational systems around the world and how to analyze their comparability

What is involved: Self-guided review of materials and an online assessment

Bologna Process Certificate

What you’ll showcase: An in-depth understanding of the Bologna Process, including its history and components, as well as how non-signatory countries to the Bologna Declaration are changing their postsecondary educational systems in response

What is involved: Self-guided review of materials and an online assessment

Research Certificate 

What you’ll showcase: An in-depth understanding of credential evaluation and educational system research, including resources, methodology, and relevance to the profession

What is involved: Sharing your original research, along with a written explanation of the process behind your project


All questions about the TAICEP Certificate programs can be sent to certificate@taicep.org