- Author, consultant, international credential evaluator, and educational administrator with training and supervisory responsibilities over more than four decades of international and intercultural educational experiences.
- Author of various publications, including descriptions of the educational systems of Austria (1987), the former German Democratic Republic (1991), and the newly reunited Federal Republic
of Germany (2002). - Co-authored (with Karlene N. Dickey) a publication on the Swiss Higher Schools of Engineering, Economics and Business Administration (1989).
- Researched, wrote and published a journal article on the academic performance of international students in the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts (1989). I was interested in
determining how well the international placement recommendations available to U.S. international credential evaluators were responsible for admitting academically successful students. - Leadership positions in the 1980s and early 1990s on the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials (known as “the Council”), National AACRAO ADSEC and
NAFSA Admissions Teams, Region IV NAFSA, and member of World Education Series Committee of AACRAO.
- BA, Psychology (minor Sociology), University of Minnesota (1970).
- MA, Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology, University of Minnesota (1972).
- Capella University, consultant on international educational systems and evaluation of international credentials (2019).
- Office of Admissions, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, with primary responsibility for international student admissions (1974-2000).
- U.S. Army Education Center located in Landstuhl, Germany (1972-1973) and U.S. Army adult high school completion program located in Neu Ulm, Germany (1973-1974). As Head Teacher/Principal of an adult high school with approximately 100 students and 5-6 teachers, I participated in an institutional self-study required for accreditation by North Central Association, supervised curriculum development and the testing program, and supervised teachers. This experience provided invaluable preparation for my later positions involving applied comparative education, as did the experience of living in Germany and speaking German for two years.
- Edited The New Country Index: Making Sense of International Credentials, Volume 2, published by the International Education Research Foundation (2011).
- Served as member, National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Foreign Student Records Committee (FSRC) (2002-2015). Participated in establishing international athletic eligibility standards for each country from which potential athletes come.
- Stepped in temporarily as Executive Director of the International Education Research Foundation in 2001 while the then Executive Director was on leave.
- Received Sepmeyer Research Grant to research, translate into English, and write a description of the educational system and credentials issued in the newly reunited German educational system (2001).
- Contributed to The New Country Index: Making Sense of International Credentials, Volume 1, published by the International Education Research Foundation in 2004.
- Consulted with the Belarusian Ministry of Education in Minsk (1995) as requested by USIA.
- Served as Chair of National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials (1993-1994), (Chair-Elect, 1992; Past-Chair, 1995; and member, 1991-1992).
- Served as Member of World Education Series (WES) Committee of AACRAO (1987-1990).
- Elected member of ADSEC National Team and NAFSA: Association of International Educators (1987-1989).
- Served as ADSEC chair, Region IV, NAFSA: Association of International Educators (1984-1986).
- Attended 1994 UNESCO/CEPES, Europe Region, meeting and a meeting of the European Network of National Information Centres on Academic Recognition and Mobility in Budapest, Hungary.
- Attended symposium on U.S. and Scandinavian education in Copenhagen, Denmark, and presented a paper on the U.S. educational system (1993).
- Attended 1992 UNESCO meeting in Paris as a member of the U.S. delegation. Also, attended a meeting of the European Region and presented a paper on the U.S. secondary educational system.
- Monitored the Iraq World Education Series volume (1987-1988).
- Visited Malaysian campus of Indiana University at invitation of the Malaysian government (1986) and provided recommendations.
- Presented at several national conferences of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), and NAFSA: Association of International Educators (1985-2002).
- The Educational System of the Federal Republic of Germany: A Guide for Evaluating Educational Credentials. Culver City: International Education Research Foundation, 2002.
- The Educational System of the former German Democratic Republic: A Special Report. Washington, D.C.: AACRAO, 1991.
- Swiss Higher Schools of Engineering and Swiss Higher Schools of Economics and Business Administration: A Special Report (co-authored with Karlene N. Dickey). Washington, D.C.: AACRAO, 1991.
- “An Analysis of the Academic Performance of International Students in the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,” College and University, LXV, No. 1, Fall 1989, 19-30.
- Austria: A Study of the Educational System of Austria and a Guide to the Academic Placement of Students in Educational Institutions of the United States. Washington, D.C.: AACRAO, 1987.