- Founder, President and CEO of the Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA (1994-present)
- 1982-1994 – various positions at the International Education Research Foundation, including Executive Director
- Presenter at numerous conferences and podcast/webinars, nationally and internationally
- Author and co-author for various AACRAO/NAFSA/PIER publications (Senegal, Hong Kong, Cameroon, UK, and Central America) and many country profiles for AACRAO EDGE
- Chair of the AACRAO International Education Standards Council (IESC) – EDGE (2017-present) and AACRAO Task Force on International Admissions and Credential Evaluations (2013-2014)
- Chair/Chair Elect and Past Chair of NAFSA National ADSEC Section (1998-2001)
- Chair NAFSA Regional XII Southern District Team (1996-1999)
- Recipient of numerous awards from NAFSA (regional and national) and AACRAO
- Master of Business Administration
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California - Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
University of San Diego, San Diego, California
- Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc., Beverly Hills, California
- 1994 – Present Founder, President & CEO
- International Education Research Foundation, Inc. Credentials Evaluation Service Los Angeles, California
- 1991 – February 1994 Executive Director
- 1989 – June 1991 Associate Director
- 1987 – 1989 Assistant Director
- 1982 – 1987 International Credential Analyst
- International Education Standards Council (IESC), Electronic Database on Global Education (EDGE) – American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), Washington DC
- Chair, 2017–Present
- Member, 2015-2017
- Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. AICE
- President, Board of Directors, 2020–Present
- President & Treasurer Board of Directors, 2015-2020
- Chair, 1998-2014
- Member of the Advisory Council on the US Qualification Framework (June 2022–Present)
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
- Chair, Credential Evaluation Committee on AACRAO Task Force: International Admissions and Credential Evaluation (April 2013–April 2014)
- Member on AACRAO’s World Education Series/PIER Committee (1989–1990)
- Member on AACRAO’s Publication & Reviews Committee (since 1990–1993)
- Chair, Credential Evaluation Committee on AACRAO Task Force: International Admissions and Credential Evaluation (April 2013–April 2014)
- National Association for Foreign Student Affairs: Association for International Education (NAFSA)
- Nominations & Elections Committee, NAFSA 2001
- Past-Chair NAFSA’s ADSEC Team 2000–2001
- Chair NAFSA’s ADSEC Team 1999–2000
- Chair-Elect NAFSA’s ADSEC Team 1998–1999
- Chair on NAFSA Region XII Southern District Team 1996–1999
- Elected as Officer to serve on NAFSA’s ADSEC (Admissions Section) Team 1994 – 1996
- Served as the New Americans Representative on NAFSA Region XII Southern District Team 1994–1996
- 2023 Recipient of Award for Excellence in International Education, AACRAO
- 2012 Winner of the “First Choice Submission” Award at the 28th Annual Writer’s Conference, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
- 2002 OSEAS Certificate of Appreciation, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Overseas Educational Advisers Professional Educators Group
- 1999 Recipient of Award for Outstanding and Dedicated Service to International Education and Its Leaders, NAFSA Region XII, Southern District
- Podcast – Guest on Credentials Unscripted hosted by Parchment: “The Challenges of International Credential Evaluations,” August 2023
- BCCIE Conference, June 2023, Victoria, BC, Canada Co-Presenter: Credential Fraud and Diploma Mills
- Podcast – Guest on Life Re-Envisioned: “How major life transitions – both those unanticipated and unwelcome – and those intentionally pursued – can lead to powerful, transformative paths to greater clarity, purpose and contentment,” December 2022
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, September 2022, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Iran – An Overview of the Education System; Authentication & Verification
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, April 2022, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Credential Fraud and Diploma Mills
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, March 2022, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Credential Fraud and Diploma Mills (Special webinar presentation for the British Columbia Council for International Education)
- Podcast – Guest on The Hechinger Report: “Credential chaos: Growing “maze” of education credentials is confusing consumers and employer,” December 24, 2021
- Interview – The PIE REVIEW: “Female leaders on their career journeys,” November 21, 2021
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, October 2021, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Accreditation and Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing (Special webinar presentation for the International Education Association of South Africa/IEASA)
- Webinar – AACRAO, 2020-present, Washington, DC Co-Presenter: AACRAO EDGE (Electronic Database on Global Education) User Guide – Monthly webinar
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2020, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: How to be a Warrior and not a Worrier in a COVID-19 World?
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2020, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: How to Spot Fake Online Programs
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2020, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Mindfulness Program, part of ACEI’s Mindful Minutes Series.
- Podcast – Guest on Next Wave Leadership: “Solving Puzzles and the Art of Giving Feedback,” December 2019
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, July 2019, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter: Education System of Indonesia and Opportunities for Partnerships and Student Mobility
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, May 2019, Los Angeles, CA Presenter: Education System of Colombia and Opportunities for Partnerships and Student Mobility
- AICE Los Angeles, Symposium April 4, 2019, Panelist: The future is digital, are you? Effectively using technology while maintaining credential evaluation
standards. - AACRAO National Conference, April 2019, Los Angeles, CA Panelist: EDGE (Electronic Database on Global Education) Report on Country Updates Co-Presenter: The Alphabet Soup of International Credential Evaluations Co-Presenter: Mutual Recognition of Degrees (US & EU)
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, March 2019, Los Angeles, CA Co-Presenter with Scottish Qualifications Authority: Update on SQA International Qualifications and Pathway
Opportunities Curriculum Vitae: Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert Page 3 - AACRAO National Conference, March 2018, Orlando, FL Panelist: EDGE (Electronic Database on Global Education) Report on Country Updates
- Co-Presenter: Diversity and Inclusion in International Student Recruitment
- Co-Presenter: Mutual Recognition of Degrees (US & EU)
- NAFSA S. District Reg. XII, July 2017, Orange, CA Presenter: An Evaluator’s guide to institutional recognition and accreditation.
- ENIC-NARIC Meeting, June 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark Co-Presenter: U.S. Perspective on the Three-Year Bologna-compliant Bachelor’s degrees
- NAFSA National Conference, May 2017, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: Diploma Mills and Credential Fraud
- Co-Presenter: Three-Year Bachelor’s Degrees
- AICE Minneapolis Symposium, April 5-6, 2017, Minneapolis, MN Panelist: Three-Year Degrees from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
- AACRAO National Conference, April 2017, Minneapolis, MN
- Panelist: EDGE (Electronic Database on Global Education) Report on Country Updates
- Co-Presenter: “Undergraduate Benchmark Credentials”
- Co-Presenter: “Diploma Mills & Fake Degrees: A Global Problem and Threat”
- Michigan Association of International Educators, March 2017, Lansing, MI
- Presenter: “History of International Credential Evaluations and Benefits of Outsourcing”
- Wisconsin Association of International Educators, March 2017, Sheboygan, WI
- Presenter: “History of International Credential Evaluations and Benefits of Outsourcing”
- CGTN America TV – Guest: “United National Goals for achieving Universal Primary Education, September 2016
- NAFSA IEM – Interview: “Celebrating IEM,” NAFSA Association of International Educators, August 16, 2016
- NAFSA Region XII, 2016, Palm Springs, CA
- Co-presenter: “Syria: Education in Crisis”
- NAFSA National Conference, May 2016, Denver, CO
- Co-Presenter: “Diploma Mills & Fake Degrees: A Global Problem and Threat”
- Co-Presenter: “Fraud in Academe – Detection and Prevention”
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2016, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “International Credentials Evaluation: Benefits of Outsourcing”
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2016, Los Angeles, CA
- Co-Presenter: “Germany: Focus on Secondary Education and Credentials”
- AACRAO National Conference, March 2016, Phoenix, AZ
- Panelist: EDGE (Electronic Database on Global Education) Report on Country Updates
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, February 2016, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Instructions on Applying for Credential Evaluations with ACEI”
- NAFSA Region XII, November 2015, Honolulu, HI
- Presenter: “Diploma Mills & Fake Degrees: A Global Problem and Threat”
- Webinar – ACEI e-Learning Series, 2015, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Diploma Mills & Fake Degrees: A Global Problem and Threat”
- Sweden: Evaluating Upper Secondary Education Credentials – Webinar Intensive Training Seminar, May 2015, Los Angeles, CA. Presenter & Trainer, hosted by ACEI (Client: Northern Arizona University)
- Norway: Evaluating Upper Secondary Education Credentials – Webinar Intensive Training Seminar, February 2015, Los Angeles, CA. Presenter & Trainer, hosted by ACEI (Client: Northern Arizona University)
- CGACC (Center for Global Advancement of Community Colleges) – Webinar Series
- Presenter & Co-Presenter in 2014 on various topics: Country Specific Education Profiles, Credential Fraud; International Student Migration & Retention
- NAFSA Region XIII, December 2013, Indianapolis, IN
- Presenter: “Update on Education System of Hong Kong: Secondary & Post-Secondary Colleges”
- NAFSA Region I & II, November 2013, Indianapolis, IN
- Presenter: “Update on Education System of Hong Kong: Secondary & Post-Secondary Colleges”
- TAICEP Inaugural Symposium, October 2023, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
- Working Meeting at Orange Coast College, CA, April 4, 2013, with EducationUSA Hong Kong. “Learning about the EducationUSA and How It Works with U.S. Community College, Partnerships and Collaborators for Higher Education Communities in the U.S. and the East Asia Pacific”
- Working Meeting at Santa Monica College, CA, April 3, 2013, with EducationUSA Hong Kong “Learning about the EducationUSA and How It Works with U.S. Community College, Partnerships and Collaborators for Higher Education Communities in the U.S. and the East Asia Pacific”
- APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association of International Education), March 2013, Hong Kong
- Co-presenter: “Learning about the EducationUSA and How It Works with U.S. Community College, Partnerships and Collaborators for Higher Education Communities in the U.S. and the East Asia Pacific”
- Working Meeting with Federation of Self-financed Tertiary Education of Hong Kong, March 2013, Hong Kong
- CCID (Community Colleges for International Development) National Conference, February 23, 2013, Atlanta, GA Pre-Conference Workshop Co-presenter: “Optimize your recruitment strategy by elevating the global branding of your colleges through 2+2 university pathways and partnerships”
- NASBA, March 2012, Los Angeles, CA Working Meeting: “Evaluation of International Professional Accounting Programs”
- EDUSA Webinar, December 2011
- Co-presenter: “International Credential Evaluation – General Guidelines”
- NASBA, December 2011, Nashville, TN Seminar/Trainer: “Setting up an international credential evaluation office”
- CALTEACH, September 2010, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Evaluation of International Teacher Training Programs”
- Long Beach City College, November 2005, Long Beach, CA
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation – General Guidelines”
- NAFSA Region XII, October 2005, Anaheim, CA
- Presenter: “Educational System of Mexico”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 2004, Las Vegas, NV
- Presenter: “Update on the Educational System of Iran”
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation intended for Teacher Credentialing”
- NAFSA Region XII, March 2001, Buena Park, CA
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation, Trends and New Developments”
- NAFSA – National Conference, June 2000, San Diego, CA
- Presenter: “The Current Educational System of Iran”
- NAFSA Region XII, November 1999, Long Beach, CA
- Presenter: “The Current Educational System of Iran”
- NAFSA Region XII, S. District, March 1999, Fullerton, CA
- Presenter: “Educational System of Turkey”
- NAFSA Region XII, November 1998, Honolulu, HI
- Presenter: “Introduction to International Credential Evaluation”
- NAFSA Region XII, December 1997, Monterey, CA
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation Methodology”
- NAFSA – National Conference, May 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Presenter: ADSEC “Foundations International Credential Evaluation Workshop”
- State of California, Board of Respiratory Therapy, Meeting of the Board, July 1996
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation, Procedures and Methodology”
- NAFSA – National Conference, May 1996, Phoenix, AZ
- Presenter: ADSEC “Foundations on International Credential Evaluation Workshop”
- Presenter: “Educational System of the Islamic Republic of Iran”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1996, Reno, NV
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation Reference Library – How to Build a World Class Reference
- Presenter: “International Credential Evaluation Reference Library – How to Build a World Class Reference
- AAIE, March 1996, San Diego, CA
- Presenter: “Introduction to Foreign Educational Credential Evaluation”
- NAFSA Region XII, November 1995, Reno, NV
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of the Republic of Cyprus” – presented to the International Credential Evaluators of the California State University System
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Hong Kong”
- NAGAP (National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals), July 18, 1995, Atlantic City, NJ
- Presenter: “International Admissions – Educational Credentials Evaluation”
- NAFSA Region XII, Northern District, March 17, 1995, University of California, Berkeley, CA
- Presenter: “Workshop on Evaluating Credentials from the Philippines”
- Speaker: “Catching Fraud in International Credentials”
- NAFSA Region XII, Southern District, March 3, 1995, University of California, Irvine, CA
- Speaker: “Iran Revisited – Update on the Educational System of Iran – Post Islamic Revolution”
- PACRAO Conference, November 1994, Spokane, WA
- Speaker: “International Educational Credentials – Tackling the Toughest”
- NAFSA Region XII Conference, October 1994, Pasadena, CA
- Speaker: “Catching Fraud in International Credentials”
- Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (Annual Meeting), February 1994, New Orleans, LA
- Speaker: “Guidelines and Procedures for Detecting Fraudulent Educational Credentials”
- Southern California Junior & Community Colleges-Meeting at Southwestern College, February 1994, Chula Vista, CA
- Speaker: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials and Detecting Fraudulent Credentials”
- Southern California Police Officers-Background Investigations Unit, February 1994, Long Beach, CA
- Speaker: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials and Detecting Fraudulent Credentials”
- PACRAO Conference, October 1993, Sparks, NV
- Speaker: “Update on the Education System of Hong Kong”
- The City of New York, Department of Health, September 1993, New York City, NY
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials and Detecting Fraudulent Credentials”
- California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, May 1993, Pomona, CA
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of the United Kingdom and Hong Kong”
- NAFSA – National Conference, May 1993, San Francisco, CA
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Hong Kong”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1993, Orlando, FL
- Presenter: “Update on Secondary Education in Federal Republic of Germany (Abitur), Italy (Maturita) and England (A-Levels)”
- Federation of the State Boards of Physical Therapy & the American Physical Therapy Association (Annual Conference), February 1993, San Antonio, TX
- Presenter: “Grading System of the Philippines; Developing a Model Physical Therapy Curriculum; Diversity in Evaluations and Equivalency Recommendations”
- European Association of International Educators (EAIE) Conference, Berlin, Germany, November 1992
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Iran (post 1978) ”
- NAFSA Region XII Conference, October 1992, Las Vegas, NV
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Hong Kong”
- Academic Deans of Dental School (ADDS) and Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Affairs (AFASA) Conference, October 1992, Marina Del Rey, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Credentials of Internationally-Trained Students and Dentists”
- Secondary School Admission Testing Board (SSATB) Conference, September 1992, Boston, MA
- Presenter: “Profiles of Education Systems of Select European Countries”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1992, Dallas, TX
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Hong Kong” Curriculum Vitae: Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert Page 6
- NAFSA Southern Region XII Conference, February 1992, Riverside, CA
- Presenter: “Update on Secondary Education in the United Kingdom”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1991, Honolulu, HI
- Presenter: “A PIER Workshop Update on the Polytechnics and Colleges in the United Kingdom”
- Long Beach City College, April 1991, Long Beach, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- The Stanley Kaplan “Mark Dauberman CPA Review” Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, April 1991
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials for the State of California Board of Accountancy”
- The Sixth Annual Conference of the Colleges of Chiropractic Medicine, April 1991, Newport Beach, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials”
- The Third Annual Meeting of the “Maestros Normales” at the California State University, Northridge, November 1990, Northridge, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials”
- The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Regional Conference, November 1990, Atlanta, GA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service”
- NAFSA Region, I Conference, October 1990, Anchorage, AK
- Presenter: “Update on the Recent Changes and Developments in Eastern Europe”
- The American Branch of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, Annual Meeting of the Board September 1990, Northridge, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials for State Boards of Accountancy”
- State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, August 1990, Sacramento, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials”
- Los Angeles Southwest College. “The First Meeting of Maestros Latinos” May 1990, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1990, New Orleans, LA
- Presenter: “Update on the Education System of Quebec, Canada”
- Presenter: “Benchmarks for Evaluating Credentials from the United Kingdom”
- The Second General Meeting of Professional Hispanics. Los Angeles Mission College, December 1989, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Academic Credentials”
- Western Association of Teacher Certification, Annual Conference, November 1989, San Diego, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Education Credentials”
- NAFSA – National Conference, May 1989, Minneapolis, MN
- Presenter: “Development and Organization of Resources for Foreign Educational Credentials Evaluation Purposes”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1989, Chicago, IL
- Guest Panelist: “Symposium on Accreditation and Recognition”
- State of California Committee of Bar Examiners, Los Angeles Chapter, December 1988, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- State of California Board of Dental Examiners, Annual Meeting of the Board, September 1988, San Francisco, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Dentistry Educational Programs”
- State of California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners, Annual Meeting of the Board, August 1988, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1988, Nashville, TN
- Presenter: Update on the Education System of Honduras”
- Presenter: “Update on the Education Systems of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada”
- Los Angeles Unified School District, Credentialing Committee, 1987, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- NAFSA 1987 Region XII Conference, 1987, Irvine, CA
- Presenter: “Travel Opportunities for NAFSA Professionals”
- Presenter: “Update of the Education System of Quebec, Canada”
- Presenter: “Central America – An Overview of the Educational Systems of the Countries in the Region”
- Los Angeles Unified School District, Credentialing Committee, 1987, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- NAFSA 1987 Region XII Conference, 1987, Irvine, CA
- Presenter: “Travel Opportunities for NAFSA Professionals”
- Presenter: “Update of the Education System of Quebec, Canada”
- Presenter: “Central America – An Overview of the Educational Systems of the Countries in the Region”
- Los Angeles Unified School District, Credentialing Committee, 1987, Los Angeles, CA
- Presenter: “Guidelines and Procedures for Evaluating Foreign Educational Credentials”
- NAFSA 1987 Region XII Conference, 1987, Irvine, CA
- Presenter: “Travel Opportunities for NAFSA Professionals”
- Presenter: “Update of the Education System of Quebec, Canada”
- Presenter: “Central America – An Overview of the Educational Systems of the Countries in the Region”
- NAFSA – National Conference, May 1987, Long Beach, CA
- Presenter: “Update on the 1987 Central America PIER Workshop Report”
- Presenter: “Update on the 1987 Canada PIER Workshop Report”
- AACRAO – National Conference, April 1987, Las Vegas, NV
- Presenter: “Update on the 1987 Projects for International Education Research (PIER) Workshop Report on Central America”
- Country Profile on Palestine, April 2024, Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE), American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Washington, DC
- Country Profile Update on Fiji Islands, Legal Education, September 2019, Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE), American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Washington, DC
- Country Profile Update on Iran’s Secondary Education System, June 2019, Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE), American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Washington, DC
- Report on AICE 2019 Symposium, Los Angeles, CA: “The future is digital, are you? Effectively using technology while maintaining credential evaluation standards.”
- Report on the Bilateral Seminar on The Transatlantic Friendship and Mobility Initiative hosted by the Embassy of France, Washington, DC, May 2019
- Report on AICE 2018 Symposium, Orlando, FL: “Setting the Standard for Evaluating Institutional Recognition and Accreditation.”
- White Paper on “Architecture Education in the US,“ Revised November 8, 2017, Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
- Authored Chapter “Diploma Mills and Fake Degrees,” and co-authored Chapter “Outsourcing Foreign Credential Evaluations: History and Implementation,” for The AACRAO International Guide, A Resource for International Education professionals, AACRAO, Washington, DC, 2016
- Co-Authored the “Standards and Best Practices” document on Evaluating Educational Credentials from Around the World, Association of International Credential Evaluators, AICE. 2014
- Regular Guest Blogger on “Academic Exchange” http://academicexchange.wordpress.com
- Senegal, A Country Guide Series Reports From the AACRAO-AID Project, 2000. American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Washington, DC
- The Educational System of Hong Kong, PIER World Education Series, 1998, Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Washington, DC
- Misrepresentation in the Marketplace and Beyond: Ethics Under Siege, 1996, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Task Force on Credential Fraud, 1996. [Contributed]
- Cameroon, A Country Guide Series Report From the AACRAO-AID Project, 1995. American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Washington, DC
- AMIDEAST Membernews, Spring/Summer 1995. Profile: Islamic Azad University, Iran
- Inter-Ed (Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of International Education). Summer 1994. “International Education Information Exchange: Foreign Credentials Evaluation, A New Perspective.”
- Projects for International Education Research (PIER) United Kingdom Workshop, March 1990, London, England Researcher & Team Leader – Conducted research in England on the country’s recent changes in post secondary education and polytechnic institutions. Research was published in the 1990 PIER United Kingdom Workshop Report AACRAO & NAFSA publication “The Admissions and Placement of Students from the United Kingdom, A PIER Workshop Report.”
- Gateway International. Winter/Spring 1990 Newsletter. “Procedures in Evaluating Foreign Education Credentials”
- Projects for International Education Research (PIER) Canada Workshop, March 1989, Canada. Completed research and contributed to chapter on secondary and post-secondary education (CEGEP) in the Province of Quebec. AACRAO & NAFSA
- Projects for International Education Research (PIER) Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama), March 1990 Assigned to Honduras and collaborated with two team members on preparing the report on the country’s education system. AACRAO & NAFSA
- The Country Index, Volume 1, Revised Edition, 1986. “Iran – Addendum: A Report on the Changes in the Educational System of Iran after the 1978 Islamic Revolution”

Jasmin with Allison Gregory (ACEI), NAFSA Region XII, 1995

Signing agreement with CDGCC (China), AACRAO Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2013

Yolinisse Moreno (ACEI) and Jasmin, SHRM Conference, Washington, DC, June 2016

Jasmin and Bev Wells, NZQA, NAFSA Region XII Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2017

IESC Fall Meeting, Austin, TX, 2017

IESC meeting with Ministry of National Education, Paris, France, April 2018

AACRAO ED and IESC members, Bill Paver, Robert Watkins, Jasmin, Melanie Gottlieb, Emily Tse at ESSEC in France, April 2018

Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert and Alan Saidi (ACEI), NAFSA S. District Conf., Orange Coast College, July 2018

Alan Saidi (ACEI), Jasmin Saidi-Kuehnert, and representatives from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), San Diego, CA, February 2019

CHESICC (now CCSD), AICE & ACEI, Culver City, CA, October 25, 2019

Connecting with SQA colleagues, Mags Hutchinson at EAIE Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2019

AACRAO Annual Meeting, Aurora, Colorado, 2023

AACRAO Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April

Machu Picchu, Peru 2006


Somewhere on the Pacific Ocean

Joshua Tree, CA

Agra, India