- Jeanie’s professional contributions span decades while working at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the University of Colorado Denver and the University of Colorado Boulder
- She is a consummate leader and teacher
- She had held leadership and participatory roles in NAFSA, AACRAO, EAIE, and other organizations
- Jeanie is a TAICEP charter member and served as TAICEP president where she most ably led the organization through a major restructuring
- Her nature is to be curious, generous, thoughtful, balanced, professional, productive and unfailingly kind
- Jeanie represents the very, very best of our profession!
- Past-President and Chair of the Governance, Finance and Audit Committee 2023
The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals- Led the committee responsible for overseeing the governance structure for TAICEP, the long-term financial sustainability of TAICEP, and TAICEP’s compliance with relevant legislation concerning the financial reporting of its activities.
- President 2020 – 2022
The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals- Served as President of the Association and Chair of the Board of Directors. Provided leadership, vision and direction.
- Senior Assistant Director of International Admissions 2000 – 2019
Office of Admissions, University of Colorado Boulder, CO- Led the International Admissions Team. Oversaw the application and admission process for international applicants. Provide liaison with departments and outside agencies. Set equivalency standards for undergraduate and graduate international applicants. Manage credential evaluation for the team. Brought in on non-routine cases for guidance and leadership.
- Program Manager 1998 – 2000
CLAS Extended Studies, University of Colorado at Denver, CO- Administered the process of recording grades, ordering and shipping texts, and other academic and administrative support services for the International Colleges in China, Nepal, Russia and Taiwan.
- Assistant Director, Graduate School 1986 – 1998
Office of International Studies and Programs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI- Managed the international admissions area. Supervised the application and admission process. Provided liaison with departments and outside agencies. Set equivalency standards for undergraduate and graduate applicants. (In 1990, promoted from Admissions Coordinator to Assistant to the Director. In 1994, title changed to Assistant Director.)
- Program Assistant 1977 – 1986
Office of International Studies and Programs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI- Acted in increasingly responsible support and assistant positions in Learning Skills and The Graduate School, including supervisory responsibilities.
- The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals (TAICEP)
- Past-President and Chair of the Governance, Finance and Audit Committee. Past positions include President, Vice President for Membership, membership on the Steering Committee, the Transition Committee, and a Charter Member.
- Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
- Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Committee for Human Resources (2017 – 2022).
- “ECE Presents- The Educational System of Turkey”, December 1992, provided information through sample educational credentials sent to author, Jim Frey
- NAFSA: Association of International Educators
- Involved in planning for the 2016 annual conference in Denver, CO, USA. At state, regional and national level, presented and chaired sessions.
- Member of local and regional arrangement committees for conferences, including the 1999 annual conference with 5000 participants.
- Selected to be a member of the Professional Development Program in its inception year as trainer corps member for the Admissions Section.
- Past member of the Education and Training Committee, the Admissions Section Committee and the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Academic Credentials (The Council).
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
- Presented, moderated, recorded and chaired a national committee (International Education Research Committee).
- European Association of International Educators (EAIE)
- Presented at several conferences.
- US Department of State
- Reviewed applicants for the 2021 Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders
- Initiative (YTILI) Fellow Program
- (https://exchanges.state.gov/non-us/program/ytili-fellowship-program)/. June 2022, with Karin Christoph Brown of TAICEP, met with EdUSA Representatives Melissa deChamps, Temporary REAC for NW Europe and UK to share information about TAICEP.
- StudyColorado
- Member, volunteer at the 2015 and 2016 NAFSA conferences.
- SEVIS Implementation Task Force, University of Colorado System
- Determined policy and procedures for the University of Colorado at Boulder international admission in compliance withthe Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), which is mandated by the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Graduate Task Force, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Determined needs of Graduate Program Assistants and established necessary changes in publications, training and processing.
- German International Educators Seminar
- Coordinated a ten-day visit sponsored by DAAD/Fulbright for German education administrators to visit U.S. institutions.
- The Milwaukee Symposium, 1996
- Invited participant representing the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, International Studies and Programs
- AMIDEAST, 1993
- Advisory Committee Member for “Education in the Arab World Volume I”, author: Leslie S. Nucho.
- ECE Training, 1986
- July 8, 1986 – #1: General Education, various countries, transfer credit, graduate study, medicine, law
- July 10, 1986 – # 2: US Patterned Ed Systems, History, Carnegie Units
- July 14, 1986 – #3: The Indian Subcontinent, English Proficiency
- July 17, 1986 – #4: Arab Ed Systems
- July 21, 1986 – #5: Eastern European Ed Systems
- July 24, 1986 – #6: French Patterned Ed Systems
- July 28, 1986 – #7: Germanic Ed Systems
- July 31, 1986 – #8: Spanish & Portuguese Patterned Ed Systems
- November 4, 1986 – Undergrad Sessions
- November 11, 1986 – Undergrad Workshop
- The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals (TAICEP)
- 2023 Nominee for induction into the TAICEP Hall of Acclaim
- University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 2008
- Office of International Education-Campus Global Citizen of the Year
- University of Colorado at Denver Graduate School, 2001-2002
- Elected to Who’s Who Among
- University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO
- Students in American Universities & Colleges
- University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO
- Master of Public Administration Capstone Project: “SEVIS: The Effect on International Education”
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
- Bachelor of Arts, Major: International Relations
- Lived in West Germany through high school graduation. Changed residence to attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, USA.
- Traveled throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and Polynesia on professional and personal trips, including recruitment trips for the University of Colorado Boulder.
- Fulbright Commission 1992 Grantee of the Germany Seminar (April 11 – May 12, 1992)
- “Inclusive Admissions Policies for Displaced and Vulnerable Students”, 2019
- AACRAO Report, Co-author of Institutional Perspectives section with Christopher Adams, Staci Bernhard, Dr. Stacey Gustavson, Dr. Bren Tooley.
- “Credential Doctor I”, May 2019
- NAFSA conference, Washington, DC. Facilitated this session with Martha VanDevender
- “Facilitating Admission of Refugee Students – examples from USA, Norway and Turkey”, October 2018
- TAICEP Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, presentation with Marybeth Grunewald (Director of Global Initiatives, ECE) & Marina Malgina (NOKUT, Norway)
- “Admission with Incomplete Documentation Policy”, January 2018
- Presentation at IAT Staff Meeting and University Staff, CU Boulder, reviewed by Kevin MacLennan, Director of Admissions, Elizabeth McVeigh, Director of Operations and Systems Integration, Jeanie Bell, Senior Assistant Director, International Admissions Team (co-author), Natalie Mikulak, Senior Assistant Director, International Admissions Team (co-author).
- “Online Verification Tools for Credential Evaluation and University Admissions”, November 2017
- NAFSA Tri-Regional Conference, Denver, Colorado, Moderator, With Martha VanDevender (Senior Evaluator at ECE); Tatiana McKenna (Evaluator at ECE); Sully Saucedo (Coordinator of International Education at Texas Woman’s University); Shelby Cearley (Director of Graduate Admissions/DSO at Texas Tech University); Marina Reasoner (Diversity and Retention Coordinator at Iowa State University).
- “Developing Evaluation Procedures for Students with Non-Verifiable Documents”, November 2017
- NAFSA Tri-Regional Conference, Denver, Colorado, Co-presented with Marybeth Grunewald (Director of Global Initiatives, ECE, Milwaukee, WI)
- “Understanding Differing Evaluation Perspectives” September 2017
- Co-presented with Meg Wenger & Monica Hatle-Larssen
- “U.S. Perspective on the Three-year Bologna-Compliant Bachelor Degrees- University of Colorado Boulder Perspective”, Septembers 2017
- Panel presentation with Marshall Houserman and Robert Watkins. By invitation only, participated in the AACRAO Symposium on Three Year Bologna-compliant Degrees, and The Article 26 Backpack ™ – the UC Davis Ecosystem for Refugee and Vulnerable Student Academic Mobility project.
- “Best Practices in the Evaluation of Displaced Students’ Education Records: Defining the Article 26 Backpack™-University of Colorado Boulder Perspective”, September 2017
- Presentation, at the AACRAO Symposium on Three Year Bologna-compliant Degrees, and The Article 26 Backpack ™ – the UC Davis Ecosystem for Refugee and Vulnerable Student Academic Mobility project.
- “Developing Admissions and Evaluation Procedures for Students with Non-Verifiable Documentation”, May 29, 2017
- Co-Trainer Pre-conference Workshop with Ceren Genc (Study Group); Marybeth Grunewald (Director of Global Initiatives, ECE); Marina Malgina (Head of Section, Refugee Section, NOKUT).
- “Students Without Documents: Possible Approaches for U.S. Universities”, Jan-Feb 2017
- Article published in NAFSA International Educator, print publication. NAFSA International Educator Vol 26, No 1.
- “Alternative Assessment for Partial/Refugee Documents”, November 16, 2016
- Invited commentary for AACRAO. To be incorporated in an AACRAO recommendation to membership regarding guidelines for establishing an alternative framework/process on campus for refugees and other populations with missing or partial documentation.
- “Welcoming Refugees: Evaluating and Recognising [sic]Credentials in Special Cases”, September 2016
- EAIE workshop, with Marina Malgina (NOKUT), Ceren Genc (Kiron University, Turkey), Marybeth Gruenewald (ECE, Inc.)
- “The Art of Credential Evaluation”, August 2016
- The AACRAO International Guide, Co-authored with Jennifer Minke (Texas A&M-Kingsville), Ellen Silverman (CUNY), Margaret Wenger (ECE, Inc.).
- “Students Without Documents: Possible Approaches for U.S. Universities”, August 2016
- Article, NAFSA IEM Spotlight
- “Credentials Town Hall: Displaced Persons”, June 2016
- Moderator With Marshall Houserman, NAFSA Open Meeting
- “Providing Pathways for Refugees: Practical Tips for Credential Assessment”, May 2016
- Authored by Bryce Loo (WES), interviewed and quoted
- “Recognizing Refugee Qualifications: Practical Tips for Credential Assessment”, May 2016
- Authored by Bryce Loo (WES for WES Research-Special Report), interviewed and quoted
- “Refugee Credential Recognition for U.S. Admission Decisions”, January 2016, article
- “Qualifications Recognition for Refugees”, January 2016
- EAIE webinar, with Marina Malgina NOKUT
- “When is Secondary Education Higher Education: or is it?”, October 2, 2015
- TAICEP Conference-Toronto, Canada, presenter
- “Countries in Crisis: Credential Evaluation for Interrupted or Undocumented Studies”, May 2015
- NAFSA Seminar, with Marybeth Gruenewald (ECE, Inc.) and Stig Arne Skjerven (NOKUT)
- “Hobsons International Solutions – Strategic Planning for the benefit of the entire community.”, May 31, 2012
- NAFSA Conference, invited panel participant
- “Secondary Education in Select Countries”, September 13, 2011
- Boulder Valley High School Training, co-presenter with Natalie Koster (Assistant Director, Office of Admissions, CU Boulder)
- “Middle East Peace Scholars Panel”, December 30, 2008
- IIE, Denver, CO, invited co-presenter with Brad Miller (DU/Korbel School Admissions)
- “Bologna Countdown: Update for Admissions Professionals”, May 28, 2008
- NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington, DC, presented with ECE
- “NAFSA Foundations of International Education: Foreign Educational Credential Analysis”, May 2008
- NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington, DC workshop
- “Bologna Admissions workshop”, September 12-15, 2007
- EAIE 19th Conference, Trondheim, Norway, presenter
- “Advising Under Dangerous Conditions” June 2007
- NAFSA Conference -Minneapolis, Minnesota Co-Chair with Elizabeth Chung (Serbia & Montenegro), Susan Daniel (AMIDEAST), Akram A A-Baghdadi (AMIDEAST), Viktar Kotsim (American Center for Education and Research
- “Preconference Workshop: The Bologna Process for Admissions Professionals”, May 28, 2007
- NAFSA Conference -Minneapolis, Minnesota, , Co-presenter, with Carita Blomqvist, Counselor of Education, National Board of Education, Finland; Peter van der Hijden, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture; Margit Schatzman, President, ECE; Gunnar Vaht, Head of the Estonian ENIC/NARIC, Foundation Archimedes.
- “CU-Boulder: A Global Research University – Report of the Task Force on International Graduate Education”, April 2007
- Task Force on International Graduate Education, University of Colorado Boulder, Task Force member and contributor.
- “International Admissions”, November 2006
- USBT Program – College Board, presented on International Admissions to USBT participants
- “Exploring International Boundaries in Today’s Economic & Political Climate”, 2005
- Rocky Mountain ACRAO (RMACRAO), co-presented with Lawrence H. Bell (Director, Office of International Education, CU Boulder)
- “Foundations of International Education: Foreign Educational Credentials Analysis: The Four Educational Patterns”, May 2005
- NAFSA Annual Conference, presenter
- “Dust storm or Oasis: The Mirage of Degree Equivalency”, November 2001
- NAFSA Regions II and XII, Bi-Regional Conference Palm Spins, CA, Co-presented with Ann M. Koenig (Golden Gate University, CA) & Brian Bates (AZIEC, International Consulting & Credentials Evaluation, formerly at Thunderbird, AZ)
- “Building a Base of Support on Campus – Foundations of International Education: Foreign Educational Credentials Analysis”, July 2001
- ADSEC Institute in Los Angeles, CA, chair and presenter
- “Foundations of International Education: Foreign Educational Credentials Analysis”, July 2001
- ADSEC Institute in Los Angeles, CA, co-presenter with Ann Koenig (Asst Dir of Admissions at Golden Gate University, San Francisco); Maxine McCarty
- “Professional Practice Workshop: Graduate Admissions”, July 14 2001
- NAFSA ADSEC Institute, Los Angeles, CA, co-presented with Jean Ringer, Global Credential Evaluators
- “Professional Practice Workshop: Building an International Admissions Office”, May 2001
- NAFSA Annual Conference, Coordinator/Trainer for the Professional Development Program
- “International Graduate Admission, The Nuts and Bolts of International Student Admissions” March 2, 2001
- NAFSA Region II Workshop, presenter
- “Applying the New Methodology”, November 2000
- NAFSA Regional Conference – Santa Fe, NM, presented with Brian Bates (VP for Student Affairs (Ret.) Thunderbird, Glendale, AZ)
- “Professional Development Program Workshop: Foundations of International Education, Foreign Educational Credentials Analysis”, May 1999
- NAFSA Annual Conference, Denver, CO, Coordinator/Presenter
- “Professional Development Program Workshop: Foundations of International Education: Foreign Educational Credentials Analysis: Building a Base of Support on Campus”, May 1998
- NAFSA 50th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, Coordinator/Presenter
- “A New Methodology: Tools for Evaluation” November 1997
- Region V NAFSA Conference, Madison, WI, Co-presenter with Margit Schatzman, ECE
- “ADSEC 101: Basic Admissions Workshop”, November 1997
- Region V NAFSA Conference, Madison, WI, Co-presenter with Nancy Katz (WES) & Jane Shepard (ECE)
- “Evaluating International Credentials”, May 1997
- AACRAO Conference, Salt Lake City, moderator
- “What to Do When a Student Challenges Your Evaluation?”, March 1996
- NAFSA:AIE State Conference, Madison WI, Co-presenter with Ann Morris (University of Wisconsin, College of Engineering)
- “Around the World in 80 Transcripts – Transfer Credit Workshop”, March 30-31, 1995
- NAFSA State Conference, UW-Stout, WI, workshop co-presenter with George Hansen (Asst Director of Admissions UW-River Falls)
- “Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me: Exploring Institutional Policy Formulation and Change” April 17-22, 1994
- AACRAO Annual Conference, Boston, MA, co-presenter with Susan Clouse Dolbert, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Arizona State University
- “ADSEC Session: The New Form I-20A-B and Form I-538”, November 1988
- NAFSA Region V Conference, Milwaukee, WI, Chair, local arrangements team member

Glasgow Conference 2022 – Jeanie at the conference Opening with Bailie Thomas Kerr – Glasgow City Council

President’s: 2019 (LesLee Clauson Eicher (2018-2019), Margit Schatzman (2014 – 2017), Jeanie (2020-2022)

Representing TAICEP at the AIRC Conference 2022


Patagonia 2020

Tahiti 2023