
Standing Committees

2024 Committee for Standards and Quality (CSQ). Engages in the establishment and maintenance of standards for professional practice. Identifies leading trends in and advances knowledge of credential evaluation practice, and develops research standards, frameworks, and processes. Evaluates organizational output to ensure quality.

  • Chair: Stephanie Cloninger, Educational Perspectives, NFP, USA
  • Chair-Elect: Shelby Cearley, Adtalem Global Education, USA
  • Mark Coney, Quality and Qualifications Ireland
  • Amanda Shoaf Morrison, Scholaro
  • Shizuka Kamata Sydnes, University of Bergen
  • Aletha Groene, University of Iowa
  • Wendy Garcia Guerrero, IEE

2024 Committee for Membership Outreach and Engagement (CMOE). Develops and executes membership growth strategies and member engagement and retention initiatives.

  • Chair: Navin Vasudev, South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), South Africa
  • Chair-Elect:  Yujian (Ivy) Wang, Purdue University, USA


2024 Committee for Professional Development (CPD). Offers relevant, high-quality professional development programs and services to members, such as but not limited to, trainings, webinars, workshops and conference content planning.

  • Chair:  Staci Bernhard, Florida international University, USA
  • Chair-Elect:  Vacant


2024 Committee for Resources and Knowledge Management (CRKM). Organizes, posts, and maintains, credential evaluation resources as well as develops new resources.

  • Chair*:  Olivea Dodson, Transcript Research, USA
  • Chair-Elect:  Olivea Dodson, Transcript Research, USA
  • Margaret Wenger, ECE, USA
  • Emily Tse, CGFNS, USA
  • Diana Stevens, Australian Catholic University, Australia
  • Sully Saucedo, Texas Woman’s University, USA
  • Tamalene Conlen, Academic Evaluation Services, Inc., USA
  • Peggy Bell-Hendrickson, Transcript Research, USA
  • Anu Soin, International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS), Canada
  • Adriahna Hann, International Education Evaluations (IEE), USA
  • Jade Jean Rieger, ECE, US

*Olivea assumed the chair position because of an unexpected vacancy.  As elected, she will also be chair for 2025.  


2024 Conference Committee (CC). Responsible for multi-year conference planning and oversight.

  • Chair:  Beka Tavartkiladze, World Education Services (WES), Canada
  • Chair-Elect:  Sully Saucedo, Texas Woman’s University, USA
  • Jennifer Collins, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Michelle Deleon, Texas Tech University, USA
  • Margaret Hutchinson, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scotland
  • Gary Collins, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scotland
  • Annetta Stroud, AACRAO, USA
  • Staci Bernhard, Florida International University, USA
  • Susan Whipple, SpanTran:  The Evaluation Company, USA
  • Yujian (Ivy) Wang, Purdue University, USA
  • Sulaf Al-Shaikhly, World Education Services (WES), USA
  • Danielle Burris, Western Kentucky University, USA
  • Adriahna Hann, International Education Evaluations (IEE), USA
  • Megan Gesell, TAICEP, USA
  • Robert Prather, TAICEP, USA